[structure] [bibliography] |
Applications of
Computational Linguistics
Machine Translation:
1. SYSTRAN: an outline
+ examples
of free real-time translations powered by SYSTRAN
2. SYSTRAN - Past and Present:
a brief
of SYSTRAN translation software
3. How does SYSTRAN work?
of the article by Peter Wheeler 'Systran', 1987
4. The Implementation of SYSTRAN
of the article by John Elliston 'Computer Aided Translation: A Business
Viewpoint', 1979
5. The Implementation of SYSTRAN
at the Nuclear Center of Karlsruhe (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
of the article by F.W.A. Habermann 'Provision and Use of Raw Machine
Translation', 1986
6. The Role of the Posteditor:
of the articles by
Roy Green
'The MT Errors Which Cause Most Trouble To Posteditors', 1982;
Lavorel 'Experience In English-French Post-Editing ', 1982;
Kostrewski and Peter Taylor 'Discussion on Session 3: The Posteditors'
Experience', 1982
free real-time
translations on the Internet powered by SYSTRAN
SYSTRAN is the most widely used
MT system to date. It is extremely successful, although it is of early,
rather primitive design. This means that a first generation direct approach
is typified in SYSTRAN, as opposed to a second generation interlingual
approach and a third generation transfer approach. We have heard about
this last week. In a direct approach a specific language pair is considered,
and emphasis is put on a bilingual dictionary as knowledge source. SYSTRAN's
success is largely the result of the great effort that has been put in
over many years to incorporate linguistic knowledge into its system.
SYSTRAN ist das allgemein verwendete maschinelle Übersetzungsystem bis jetzt. Es ist, obgleich es von früh ist, ziemlich ursprüngliches Design extrem erfolgreich. Dies heißt, daß eine erstes Erzeugung direkte Annäherung in SYSTRAN, im Vergleich mit einer zweites Erzeugung interlingualen Annäherung und einer drittes Erzeugung Übergangsannäherung verkörpert wird. Wir haben über diese letzte Woche gehört. In einer direkten Annäherung ein spezifisches Sprachpaar wird betrachtet, und Hauptgewicht wird auf ein zweisprachiges Verzeichnis als Wissen Quelle gesetzt. SYSTRAN's-Erfolg ist groß das Resultat der großen Bemühung, die innen über viele Jahre gesetzt worden ist, um linguistisches Wissen in sein System zu enthalten.
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Fish Translations
free real-time translations on the Internet powered by SYSTRAN
"Translations normally appear more accurate going from a foreign language into English" (SYSTRAN Sample Translations, 1)
SYSTRAN ist zur Zeit das am weitesten verbreitete maschinelle Übersetzungssystem. Es ist extrem erfolgreich, obwohl es ein frühes, einfaches Design hat. Das bedeutet, dass SYSTRAN ein typisches Beispiel ist für eine direkte Herangehensweise der ersten Generation, im Gegensatz zu einer interlingualen Herangehensweise der zweiten Generation und einer Transfer-Herangehensweise der dritten Generation. Davon haben wir letzte Woche gehört. Bei einer direkten Herangehensweise wird ein spezifisches Sprachpaar betrachtet, und der Schwerpunkt wird auf ein zweisprachiges Wörterbuch als Wissensgrundlage gelegt. SYSTRANs Erfolg ist zum großen Teil das Ergebnis der grossen Anstrengung, die über viele Jahre hineingesteckt wurde, um sprachwissenschaftliches Wissen in das System aufzunehmen.
SYSTRAN is at present the furthest common machine translation system. It is extremely successful, although it has an early, simple Design. That means it that SYSTRAN is a typical example for a direct Herangehensweise of the first generation, contrary to a interlingualen Herangehensweise of the second generation and a transfer near going way of the third generation. Of it we heard last week. With a direct Herangehensweise a specific language pair is regarded, and the emphasis is put on a bilingual dictionary as knowledge basis. Systran success is to a large extent the result of the large effort, which was put in over many years, in order to take up linguistic knowledge to the system.
[back to structure of presentation]
Fish Translations
free real-time translations on the Internet powered by SYSTRAN
ambiguous sentence
He saw her shaking hands. Er sah sie, Hände zu rütteln.
? He saw her trembling hands. Er sah sietrembling Hände.
? He saw her holding hands. Er sah ihreanhaltenden Hände.
ambiguous sentence
The man I want to leave. Der Mann, den ich gehen möchte.
? I want to leave the man. Ich möchte den Mann lassen.
? I want the man to leave. Ich wünsche den Mann gehen.
ambiguous sentence: does 'it' refer to 'vase' or 'window'?
She threw the vase at the window and it broke.
Sie warf den Vase am Window und es brach.
problem word 'put'
Did you put the book on the table?
Setzten Sie das Buch auf die Tabelle?
Did you put the book back on the shelf?
Setzten Sie das Buch zurück auf das Regal?
The student passed her test with flying colors.
Der Kursteilnehmer führte ihren Test mit Fliegen colors.
Kim gave the book to Robin. Kim gab dem Robin das Buch.
? The book was given to Robin by Kim.
Dem Robin das Buch wurde von Kim.
?To sum up, Robin was given the book by Kim.
To aufsummieren, Robin wurde gegeben das Buch durch Kim.
fixed phrases
On the one hand, on the other hand. Einerseits, andererseits.
By the way.Übrigens. As far as I know. Insoweit ich weiß.
As far as I am concerned.Insoweit ich betroffen werde.
Translations normally appear more accurate going from a foreign language into English.
Es wird immer kälter. It becomes ever colder.
anaphoric pronoun
Ein Tisch hat 4 Beine, und manchmal hat er eine runde Tischplatte. Manchmal hat er auch eine rechteckige Tischplatte aus Glas.
A desk has 4 legs, and sometimes it has a round desk top. Sometimes it has also a rectangular desk top from glass.
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A Brief History of SYSTRAN Translation Software
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summary of the article by Peter Wheeler 'Systran', 1987
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The Implementation of SYSTRAN at XEROX
summary of the article by John Elliston
'Computer Aided Translation: A Business Viewpoint', 1979
The Need
XEROX needs to communicate technical Service Documentations in 15 different languages to Service Representatives.
The Solution
XEROX implemented SYSTRAN as a tool to assist in the translation of technical Service Documentations from English into foreign languages.
The Requirements
The original Service Documentations (SL) must be written in a clear manner to avoid ambiguity.
? Input controls:
customised English)
? Vocabulary used in SL text must be from the MCE list
rules are imposed on SL, e.g. simple, short sentences
¶ raw machine translation with SYSTRAN
¶ post-editing
final printout of TL text
The Implementation of SYSTRAN at the Nuclear Center of Karlsruhe (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
'Provision and Use of Raw Machine Translation, 1986
The Nuclear Center of Karlsruhe needs an MT system to translate research papers concerned with fast breeder technology and written in French.
The Solution
A French - English SYSTRAN MT system
limits human work to a minimum
¶ The application of the MT system is limited to scientific texts
¶ Raw MT output is used without post editing
¶ It is a French - English MT system only
The Process
¶ SL text is scanned for spelling errors
¶ SYSTRAN dictionary lookup
¶ Listing of not found words in the "Not Found Word List"
¶ Manual input correction with help of "Not Found Word List"
¶ Run of SYSTRAN translation program
¶No post editing
¶ Side by side print of French source text and English translated text
[back to structure of presentation]
summaries of the articles by
¶R. Green 'The MT Errors Which Cause Most Trouble To Posteditors', 1982
¶B. Lavorel 'Experience In English - French Post-Editing ', 1982
¶B. Kostrewski & P. Taylor 'Discussion on Session 3: The Posteditors'
¶accuracy is the most important consideration
¶ complete intelligibility may not be essential
¶ in technical and commercial fields style is not first priority
¶ the quality of the final product that the post-editor seeks to achieve
Elliston John S.G. "Computer Aided Translation:
A Business Viewpoint". In: Translating and the
Free Translation.Online. Internet. 2.11.2001. Available HTTP: http://ets.freetranslation.com:5081/
Translate with Babel Fish. Online. Internet. 2.11.2001. Available HTTP: http://babelfish.altavista.com/
SYSTRAN: Homepage. Online Internet. 3.11.2001. Available HTTP: http://www.systransoft.com/
Web Sites
SYSTRAN: Machine Translation. Online. Internet. 2.11.2001. Available HTTP: