Language & Information Lab.

Daniela Zappatore

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Address:     Universität Basel
             Anatomisches Institut
             Pestalozzistrasse 20
             CH-4056 Basel
Telephone:   +41-61-267 27 11

Involvement in Word Manager (May 1999 - April 2000)

  • Research Assistant (Lexicology, Terminology)
  • Working areas

  • specification of morphological dictionary entries
  • specification of terminological databases
  • Research interests


    Zappatore, Daniela & ten Hacken, Pius (2000): "Word Manager and Banking Terminology: Industrial Application of a General System", in Heid, Ulrich et al. (eds.) Euralex 2000 Proceedings, p. 325-335.

    Zappatore, Daniela (2000): "Working with Word Manager: A Manual for WM-Lexicographers", Uni Basel, Abt. Geisteswissenschaftliche Informatik, Technical Report 00-1.

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    15-Aug-2000 Daniela Zappatore