Language & Information Lab.

Cornelia Tschichold

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Address:        Séminaire d'Anglais
                University of Neuchâtel
                Espace Louis Agassiz
                CH-2000 Neuchâtel

Tel:            +41-32-718 18 62


Job situation

Areas of interest

Selected publications

ten Hacken, Pius & Tschichold, Cornelia (in press), "Word Manager and CALL: Structured access to the lexicon as a tool for enriching learnersí vocabulary", to appear in ReCALL 13(1): 129-142 (2001).

Tschichold, Cornelia (2000) Multi-word Units in a Lexicon for Natural Language Processing, Olms, Hildesheim.

Tschichold, Cornelia & ten Hacken, Pius (1998), "English Phraseology in Word Manager", in
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Phraseology, Stuttgart 1-4 April 1998, p. 219-225.

Tschichold, Cornelia (1997) "English idioms in a computational lexicon". Proceedings of DGfS CL 1997, Heidelberg, Germany.

Tschichold, Cornelia (1995), "English multi-word lexemes in a lexical database", in Verdejo, M.Felisa (ed.), Proceedings of The Computational Lexicon, ESSLLI Workshop, Barcelona.

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8-Juni-2001 Cornelia Tschichold