Language & Information Lab.

Stephan Bopp

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Address:      Lexicologie
              Faculteit der Letteren
              Vrije Universiteit
              De Boelelaan 1105
              NL-1081 HV Amsterdam
Phone:        +31-20-4446457 
Fax:          +31-20-6613054 
Profession:   linguist, morphologist 
Birthday:     16-July-61 

Working Areas

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Selected Publications

Bopp, Stephan (1993), Computerimplementation der italienischen Flexions- und Wortbildungsmorphologie, Olms Verlag, Hildesheim.

Bopp S., Domenig M. (1994): "A User-Centered Meta-Formalism for Morphology", in Papers in Computational Lexicography - Complex '94, Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Acadamy of Science, Budapest. 7-10 July 1994

Bopp S. (1994): "An Implementation of Italian Inflection and Word Formation", in Euralex '94 Proceedings, Amsterdam. p. 410-418. 30.8-3.9.1994

Bopp S. (1996): "Phrase Manager: A System for the Construction and the Use of Multi-Word Unit Databases", in Euralex '96 Proceedings, Gothenburg. p. 55-64 .

ten Hacken, Pius & Bopp, Stephan (1998), "Separable Verbs in a Morphological Dictionary for German", in Coling - ACL '98: Proceedings of the Conference, Université de Montréal, p. 471-475.

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5-Jan-1999 Stephan Bopp